March 18, 2022 – Spring Medley
Sandra Hatcher is a Senior Professor of Ikenobo (Fukusokatoku). She began her study of Ikenobo in 1994 and has participated in the Ikenobo Study Tour in Kyoto, Japan seven times. She was the first recipient of the Ikenobo Ikebana Northern California Scholarship which was established in 2006 for independent advanced study at Ikenobo headquarters in Kyoto. In 2018 she was accepted to study at the Ikenobo Chuo Kenshu Gakuin in Kyoto. Currently she serves as 2nd Vice President of the Ikenobo Ikebana Northern California Chapter, is Directory and Newsletter Chair for Ikebana International San Francisco and is a member of the Ikebana Teachers Federation. Sandra studies with Mieko Taketa and teaches in Sacramento and Reno.
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